History of

    Milk and Dairy Beverages


    Expansion into the Dairy Business

    The dairy business was started as Glico Nutritional Research Laboratory and Dairy Division in 1952 by Ri-ichi Ezaki, the founder of Glico, who wanted to think about the nutrition of the nation as a whole through dairy farming, just as he gave children Glico nutritious candy. Later, in 1956, Glico established Glico Dairy Co., Ltd. in a joint venture with a dairy cooperative in Saga Prefecture. Since then, Glico established a series of new companies in various regions using the same method to launch its business in earnest.
    Glico Nutritional Research Laboratory and Diary Division (Konan, Shiga Prefecture) 1952
    Glico Milk Tetra Pack

    Glico Milk Tetra Pack

    As a latecomer to the dairy business, the company lagged behind in home delivery, but it was the first in the industry to adopt the paper-pack “Tetra Triangle Container” and expanded sales to supermarkets and other retailers.
    Kogen Milk

    Kogen Milk

    At a time when the quality of raw milk varied widely and milk had to be homogenized, the company was able to sell unhomogenized milk by focusing on feed and cow health management in highland areas suitable for raising healthy cows.

    Kogen Milk Produced in 11 Locations Nationwide

    Kogen Milk Produced in 11 Locations Nationwide
    Cafe Ore

    Cafe Ore

    This product was introduced in an inexpensive, well-sealed, and stylish paper container called a “paper can,” which was a radical departure from the long, thin cans of coffee that were the mainstream at the time.
    Mild Cafe Ore

    Mild Cafe Ore

    Affordable, large type developed for the rapidly growing convenience store market.
    Calcium-rich Milk

    Calcium-rich Milk

    Glico’s first functional plain milk beverage using more than 50% raw milk and calcium derived from raw milk.
    Calcium and Iron-rich Milk

    Calcium and Iron-rich Milk

    This product enables customers to easily consume calcium and iron, which the body often lacks, while maintaining the delicious taste of milk. (The 1000-ml carton (left) was released in 2002, and 500-ml carton in 2003)

    “Cafe Ore Day” Established

    This Cafe Ore beverage is a 50:50 balance of milk and coffee. Taking the day between Milk Day (June 1) and Coffee Day (October 1), August 1 was certified as Cafe Ore Day by the Japan Anniversary Association.
    Original character: “Miss Cafe Ore”

    Major Revamp of Cafe Ore

    While maintaining the full flavor and aroma, sugar was cut by 50% to accentuate the delicious taste of raw milk. Moreover, the packaging was also redesigned to evoke the three different flavors: “Original,” “Strong coffee,” and “Milky.”

    Elimination of Straws in Milk for School Lunches

    By switching to paper cartons, which are easier to open and easier to drink even without a straw, the elimination of 25 million straws in 2023 (compared to 2021) will result in a reduction of about 25 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
    Elimination of Straws in Milk for School Lunches