Glico Group Quality Policy
The Glico Group believes that success depends on delivering safe and trustworthy products and services to people around the world. We have developed Glico Group Quality Policy that clarifies our stance and activities to achieve this mission. We are promoting activities with the understanding and cooperation of all stakeholders including our customers and business partners as well as all Glico employees.
We promise to provide safe products and services with peace of mind to our customers and consumers all over the world.
Enhancing customer and consumer satisfaction
We will sincerely listen to customer and consumer feedback, faithfully respond to it, and continuously improve the quality as well as customer and consumer satisfaction.Safety and peace of mind
We will prioritize the quality in all activities from raw material procurement to sales to provide safety and peace of mind to our customers and consumers.Full compliance
We will fully comply with all laws and regulations related to the products and services.Information disclosure
We will faithfully deliver accurate information which customers and consumers are easy to understand in order to gain their trust.Continuous improvements
We will ensure product safety and continue to pursue better quality based on global quality and food safety management system.
Each and every employee of the Glico Group will understand and implement the above.
Glico Group Environmental Policy
The Glico Group contributes to the protection of the natural environment, such as by reducing GHG
emissions and using sustainable resources, to achieve coexistence with the various kinds of life on Earth.
We will deliver high-quality, safe and secure products and services to our customers, while striving to reduce environmental impact in processes ranging from raw material or ingredient procurement to production, supply, and final disposal of containers and packaging.
We will endeavor to make a sustainable society for our precious planet by working to prevent environmental pollution, giving consideration to the ecosystem, preventing global warming, and by observing laws, regulations, and other rules.
We will review our operations, strive to improve their efficiency, and continually improve our environmental management system, and strive for improvement of our environmental performance.
We will raise awareness of environmental protection, and strive for safe workplaces where employees can work with peace of mind.
We will promote a wide range of communication activities and social contribution, while valuing connections with customers and society.
Glico Group Human Rights Policy
As a global company with a worldwide presence, the Glico Group believes in the importance of respecting human rights of not only the Group’s own directors, officers and employees but also of all its stakeholders. Based on this belief, this “Glico Group Human Rights Policy” lays out the Glico Group’s principles of actions to respect human rights, which all directors, officers and employees of the Glico Group are required to comply with. Also, the Glico Group makes a commitment to itself under its Code of Conduct that each of those directors, officers and employees should respect human rights.
In addition, the Glico Group also requests all stakeholders involved in its value chain, including, without limitation, suppliers and other business partners, to understand and support this Policy.
With this Policy, the Glico Group is engaged in initiatives to serve as a role model for realizing a sustainable society.
1.Respect for human rights
1) The Glico Group supports international norms related to human rights, including, but not limited to, the International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights) and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Furthermore, Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd., the ultimate parent company of the Glico Group, is a signatory member to the United Nations Global Compact, and the entire Glico Group supports its Ten Principles.
2) The Glico Group understands and complies with all laws, regulations and rules relevant to its activities in all countries and regions where it is engaged in business. In the event that local laws and regulations in those countries or regions differ from or conflict with internationally recognized human rights standards, or in the absence of legislations on certain human rights in those countries or regions, the Glico Group will seek ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights.
2.Important areas related to business activities
1) The Glico Group is aware that any of its business activities, including research and development, procurement and supply of goods and services, may present a potential or actual impact on human rights.
2) The Glico Group is aware that the following initiatives related to its business activities are important factors in its effort to respect human rights, and thus will promote and implement such initiatives. The Glico Group will start its implementation in areas where its business activities have a major impact.
(a) The Glico Group never permit and does not engage in forced labor or child labor, which violates the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
(b) The Glico Group does not discriminate any person based on age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, faith, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, social status, or any other factor.
(c) The Glico Group strives to maintain a suitable working environment that enables all employees in each country or region to demonstrate their respective diverse personalities and abilities and to achieve their personal growths.
(d) The Glico Group respects the rights of employees regarding the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining under the laws and regulations of each country or region.
3.Human rights due diligence
1) The Glico Group strives to avoid causing or contributing to any human rights infringement throughout its value chain, including, by itself or through its suppliers and other business partners. The Glico Group continually conducts certain monitoring and inspection to identify, prevent or mitigate negative impacts on human rights in relation to its business activities, in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
2) The Glico Group will build up a process to take appropriate and effective remedial measures in case of causing or contributing to human rights infringement within its own operations or its value chain, and to communicate what measures were taken.
3) The Glico Group believes that stakeholders’ perspectives are necessary in order to identify relevant stakeholders and respond appropriately to actual or potential impacts on human rights related to its business activities. In that sense, the Glico Group will listen to the voices of stakeholders in good faith, and share with them human rights issues related to its business activities at an appropriate timing.
4.Hotlines and Remedial Measures
1) The Glico Group recognizes the importance of internal reporting hotlines which its directors, officers and employees can use to report serious concerns to the company without fear of retaliation, when they become aware of or suspect violations of regional or national laws, regulations and rules, or internal rules of the Group, including the Glico Group Human Rights Policy. Against this backdrop, the Glico Compliance Hotline has been set up globally to ensure that there will be no retaliation towards directors, officers and employees who file reports on issues related to human rights.
2) The Glico Group seriously considers the comments, advices and recommendations provided by customers and other external stakeholders, through a hotline established for human rights issues, and then uses them to improve its business activities including its efforts to address human rights issues.
5.Awareness-raising Activities
The Glico Group engages in activities to have all of its directors, officers and employees raise their awareness regarding each aspect of human rights. The Glico Group expects its business partners to conduct the same or similar awareness-raising activities as well.
6.Monitoring and Reporting
The Glico Group will continuously monitor the compliance status of this Policy and strives and make improvements as necessary. The Glico Group will periodically disclose necessary information such as issues identified by monitoring and related responsive measures, through websites, CSR reports, and other communication channels.
7.Oversight and Responsibility for Human Rights
President and CEO of Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd. is responsible within the Glico Group for overseeing the realization of commitments under this Policy and all initiatives related thereto.
Fair Trade Basic Policy
We pursue sustainable and high value-added business which will be globally extended with a high sense of ethics, by way of seeking, in conjunction with any and all of our group companies and business partners in the value chains of our business, to comply with any applicable laws in each country and achieve the following aims:
To eliminate and abolish any “forced labor”, “child labor” and “discrimination in employment and occupation” which is against the “Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”;
To prevent any fraud and corruption in any form by way of, for example, having appropriate relationships with not only public officials and politicians but also business partners and avoiding any transactions with conflict of interest involving its own board members, officers or employees;
To ensure fair competition in the market through making it the first priority to provide safe and secure goods and services to customers without getting involved in any activities which may hamper or impede fair completion, including, but not limited to, cartel and bid-rigging;
To conduct activities that respect any property rights legitimately held by third parties whether such property is tangible or intangible; and
To heighten awareness on each of the foregoing among the parties concerned, and then prevent any related incident or problem from occurring and enable every prompt and appropriate measure to be taken against actual occurrence.
Glico Group Procurement Policy
The Glico Group establishes this policy, with the objective that we will, in conjunction with suppliers,
engage in procurement activities taking into consideration the Ten Principles in the four areas (i.e.,
human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption) designated in the United Nations Global Compact
and such activities will be conducted with high ethical standards of legal compliance, fairness and
transparency so that we can provide safe and reassuring products and services to customers.
1.We will comply with the Glico Group Fair Trade Basic Policy and conduct fair, equitable and
transparent procurement activities in accordance with the laws and regulations of each relevant
country. We will maintain appropriate relationships with suppliers and prevent any types of
corruption, including, without limitation, reciprocal dealing.
2.We will comply with the Glico Group Human Rights Policy, support and observe international norms
relating to human rights, and conduct procurement activities that lead to elimination of any
violations of human rights, including, without limitation, forced labor, child labor and any types of
3.We will comply with the Glico Group Environmental Policy and conduct procurement activities that
are environmentally friendly and intended to achieve a sustainable society.
4.We will comply with the Glico Group Quality Policy and conduct procurement activities with the
highest priority on quality so that we could explore and securely acquire high quality ingredients
which lead to “Great Taste and Good Health” for customers.
5.We will select suppliers by appropriately assessing the value of procurement goods (including,
without limitation, their quality) and making an overall evaluation on delivery lead time, stable
supply and other factors. We will provide suppliers with fair and equitable opportunities for entry
and we appreciate diversity throughout the supply chain.
6.We will keep in confidence confidential information of suppliers obtained through procurement
transactions and will not infringe on intellectual property rights and other rights of third parties.
SCM Department
Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
Established in December 2020
Revised in January 2023
Procurement Guidelines for Suppliers
The Glico Group seeks to increase corporate value and contribute to society in collaboration with suppliers by supporting and practicing the Ten Principles in the four areas designated in the United Nations Global Compact (human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption) in our procurement activities. All suppliers are requested to take measures to inform their employees about these guidelines and ensure that they are observed.
1.Corporate governance system is established by establishing internal controls and a dedicated CSR implementation system and so on.
2.The main international frameworks and norms on human rights*1 are complied with and all discrimination and human rights violations are prohibited.
3.The main international frameworks and norms on labor*2 are complied with and safe and sound work environments are provided to workers by offering appropriate wages and working hours and not permitting inhumane treatment, forced labor, child labor, unlawful labor, and so on. Furthermore, appropriate determination and management of employee physical and mental wellbeing are performed.
4.The main international frameworks and norms on the environment*3 are complied with and efforts are made to reduce greenhouse gases, efficiently use resources and energy, reduce waste, effectively use water, curtail deforestation, protect biodiversity, protect animal welfare, and so on for the creation of a sustainable society. Furthermore, an environmental management system has been created and is operated.
5.The main international frameworks and norms on fair corporate activities*4 are complied with and measures are taken to exclude relationships with anti-social forces, prevent corruption in all forms, prevent unfair dealing, and so on. Furthermore, fair and equitable opportunities for participation are provided to suppliers and diversity is respected throughout the supply chain.
6.The main international frameworks and norms on quality and safety*5 are complied with and the quality and safety of raw materials and transportation are ensured. Furthermore, research and development and marketing are conducted with responsibility, a business continuity plan (BCP) has been established, and measures are in place to ensure stable supplies of products.
7.Information obtained through business activities is properly managed and protected and measures are taken to protect information from computer network threats. Furthermore, confidential information and personal information are properly managed.
8.CSR procurement is practiced and social responsibilities are fulfilled not just within the company, but throughout the entire supply chain.
9.Efforts are made for the development of a sustainable society through initiatives with local communities.
*1 The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, etc.
*2 The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, core labor standards of the ILO, etc.
*3 The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, Paris Agreement, etc.
*4 The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Convention against Corruption, etc.
*5 ISO 9001, HACCP, etc.
Commitment in Procurement of Each Item
Glico Group Breast-milk Substitutes Marketing Policy
The World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the “International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes” (“the WHO Code”) to prevent impairment of breast-feeding and adverse impact on the health of infants and young children due to excessive advertising and inappropriate use of breast-milk substitutes, such as infant formula.
The Glico Group supports the WHO's recommendation to breast-feed in the first six months of age and then introduce appropriate complementary foods in addition to breast-feeding. Therefore, we will promote our marketing activities in accordance with the guidelines shown in 1 through 6 below.
In marketing our infant formula products* ("Our Products"), we will comply with the laws and regulations of each country/region in which we conduct business, and will be engaged in activities respecting the WHO Code.
*Products targeting infants up to about twelve months of age.We provide objective information when governments or medical institutions request information on Our Products.
As for Our Products, we do not engage in sales promotion activities targeting the general public.
We cooperate with medical institutions, social welfare organizations, disaster relief organizations and so forth when such cooperation is requested.
We print on Our Products not only the superiority of breast-feeding but also the information necessary for safe and appropriate use of Our Products. Further, we do not use pictures or texts which may idealize the use of Our Products.
We educate our officers and employees* for securing compliance with these guidelines. Also, we ask our partner companies to respect these guidelines.
*The term "officers and employees" in these guidelines means officer(s) (including, but not limited to, directors, auditors and officers) and employee(s) (including, but not limited to, contract employees and temporary workers) of Glico Group.